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Get Fast & Free Super Saver Shipping at Amazon for one bestselling Handy Trends Snap Click here to get Handy Trends Snap! at a great price!
Here are some of the great features of Handy Trends Snap & Hem - The No-Sew Quick Hem Tool
Handy Trends , Make your jeans work with every shoe in your closet.All these years we have had to settle for one hemline. One that is either too short for heels, or too long for flats. It's time we had two hems at the same time.Snap & Hem uses a revolutionary adhesive backing that allows you to snap under your long hem for flats (and here's the kicker) unsnap to slip back into heels! Snap - Unsnap - Snap - Unsnap... Two hems at the same time....genius!Finally...we can say no to expensive habits of buying two pairs of jeans with different hem lengths, no to pricey trips to the tailor, no to long hems dragging on the ground, and yes to running around town in stylish flats, before slipping back into stilettos for dinner.Change your shoes, not your pants. Product Features:Use on Pants, Skirts, Shirts, Jackets, Belts, etc.Perfect for Hand-Me-DownsNo More Peek-A-Boo BlousesSpecial Adhesive Makes Them Easily Adjustable & ReusableNo Glue, Irons or SewingSafe to Use on Any FabricGreat for Fashion Emergencies at Home or the Office
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