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KitchenAid Cook's Series Deals
KitchenAid Cook's Series Lemon Yellow 14" Nylon Basting Spoon this product is a lot people search and KitchenAid Cook's Series have sold by trusted site. We already surveyed KitchenAid KC003OHTQA have been popular and is cheap price now.
Here are some of the great features of KitchenAid Cook's Series Lemon Yellow 14" Nylon Basting Spoon
KitchenAid Cook's Series, Every kitchen must have a basting spoon. Useful for everything from cooking to serving.
- Safe on all cookware including nonstick
- Shaft and spoon are made of heat resistant nylon to 450 degrees F
- 14" basting spoon
- Hang Hole for easy Display
- Dishwasher safe
Save on KitchenAid Cook's Series Lemon Yellow 14" Nylon Basting Spoon Cheap KitchenAid Cook's Series Lemon Yellow 14" Nylon Basting Spoon. Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Start Shopping Now!